Thursday, December 11, 2008

Their mouths are full of cursing, lies and threats...

King David was onto something important in Psalm 10 (go read it). The recent indictment of Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich certainly brings this scripture to mind.

If you read the text of the indictment, you'll see the governor and his wife speaking of their political deals and corruption in a manner that sounds more like something you'd hear from Tony Soprano and his henchmen than what you'd expect from a public servant.

This guy is a democrat, and the trail of cronies likely leads all the way up to the White House and the President-elect and his Chief of Staff. But for symmetry's sake, the prior governor is a Republican and is currently in prison for corruption. Maybe they can share a cell after this is all over. Corruption appears to be the only bi-partisan accomplishment of our politicians.

Perhaps the real problem is that politics has become such a septic tank that truly good people stay away, wanting no part of it. Look at what we're left with.

I'm certainly not perfect (see Romans 2:1), but I know that people like this are on the opposite side of a moral and ethical chasm that is so wide and deep that I can't even see across it. Perhaps this is where the Psalmist was when he penned Psalm 10.

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