Monday, October 20, 2014

Top 5 Overused Words Within a Single Movie

5.  "The Force" (Star Wars - A New Hope) - used repeatedly by people in the movie who wouldn't even know what The Force was.  They backed off in the later episodes, thankfully

4. "Station" (Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey) - meaning, apparently, "cool", or "awesome".  A distraction from an important piece of American culture.  Not excellent. 

3. "Idiot" (101 Dalmations) - Cruella slings the most, Rogers is hit with the most.  I counted.  Really.  

2. "Bangarang" (Hook) - almost wrecks an otherwise good movie

1. "Oo-da-lally" (Disney's Robin Hood) - not even close.  Please make it stop...

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