Friday, April 20, 2018

One Does Not Simply Walk into Science

I started writing something on IQ and its effect on society and race relations in general, and it kept growing. I’m not sure I’ll post it. But I thought this quote from the Z-Man would serve as an appetizer: 
This is a good place to note that a generation ago, Progressives smugly put Darwin fish on their Subaru. Today, they shake their fist at the “scientific racists” using new finding in genetics to reveal the origins of modern people. Because unity is the promised land, anything that divides people is the work of Satan. It’s why racism is the great bogeyman of the Left. The growing mountain of scientific data revealing the diversity of modern humans, is seen as a gathering storm, threatening the righteous. Science is now Mordor. 

People are different. IQ is part of that. Science is confirming it. Now what? 

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